
If you are a person interested in the topics that are handled in this blog, if you would like to present your visions in any creative format, do not hesitate to send an email to talk about your possible participation. Your collaboration can be one time or periodically, however it suits you.

This project does not receive any funds, salary or any payment, so no collaboration receives economic contributions, unfortunately.

Contact me as well, if you are an artist with international background based in Vaasa and surrounding areas. I would love to know about your art, your creative process, your way of seeing life, your life experiences. This place, our new home, needs your work and your point of view.

If, on the other hand, you have a recommendation, an invitation, an event that you want to spread here, write to me. Likewise, if you have any clarification to make or would like to delve into something that is shared here, the doors are always open to criticism and dialogue, so please write. I am constantly doing the exercise to better understand the new place I live in and learn better about specific circumstances that happen in the world, in this country and in others.

Having said this, I will try my best to respond your message within 24 hours.