By Ivonne    It was a cold and cloudy Sunday. We already planned to go to Övermark in Närpes for an event called Awake, so we rented the electric mini-LIFTI car from the City of Vaasa. Awake is the name of this project that includes a mural in an old barn in a rural area and music also inspired by the context in which this joint creation was developed.   At the event, the mural made by Valentina Gelain and Bekim Hasaj, as well as the music created by Michele Uccheddu , would be officially presented to the community. Both

By Ivonne Carlos A few days ago, I went to the play Tre Rum / Kolme Huonetta, written and directed by Filip Alexanderson. The play was performed at Schaumansali in Pietarsaari, northern Ostrobothnia. The innovation of this play is that it is performed real time in three different countries simultaneously. That is, on stage we see the performance of three actresses: Maria Salomaa in Pietarsaari (Finland), Ida Ingels in Trondheim (Norway) and Margareta Stone in Sundsvall (Sweden). It depends on what location you are in, it is the actress you see live. In Finland, Maria Salomaa was performing in person